Principais publicações:

1. Mandeep S. Tamber, MD, PhD, Dimitrios Nikas, MD, Alexandra Beier, DO, Lissa C. Baird, MD, David F. Bauer, MD, Susan Durham, MD, Paul Klimo Jr, MD, Alexander Y. Lin, MD, Catherine Mazzola, MD, Catherine McClung-Smith, MD, Laura Mitchell, MA, Rachana Tyagi, MD, Ann Marie Flannery, MD Congress of Neurological Surgeons Systematic Review and Evidence-Based Guideline on the Role of Cranial Molding Orthosis (Helmet) Therapy for Patients With Positional Plagiocephaly. Neurosurgery 2016 Nov;79(5):623–624

2. Kluba S, Kraut W, Reinert S, Krimmel M. What is the Optimal Time to Start Helmet Therapy in Positional Plagiocephaly? Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011 Aug;128(2):492-8

3. Pogliani L, Mameli C, Fabiano V, Zuccotti GV. Positional Plagiocephaly: what pediatrician needs to know. A review. Child Nerv Syst. 2011;26.

4. Freitas RS, Alonso N, Shin JH, Persing J. Assimetrias cranianas em crianças: diagnóstico diferencial e tratamento. Ver Bras Craniomaxilofac.2010;13(1):44-48.

5. Lipira AB,  Gordon S, Darvann TA, et al . Helmet versus active repositioning for plagiocephaly: a three-dimensional analysis. Pediatrics.2010;126(4): e936-e945.

6. Speltz ML, Collett BR, Stott-Miller M, et al.Case-control study of neurodevelopment in deformational plagiocephaly. 2010; 125(3):e537-e542.

7. Pagnossim LZ, Schmidt AF, Bustorff-Silva JM,et al. Torcicolo congênito:avaliação de dois tratamentos fisioterapêuticos.Rev Paul Pediatr.2008;26(3):245-250.

8. Philips B. Towards evidence-based medicine for paediatricians.2008;93(9):805-807.

9. Van Vlimmeren LA,  van der Graaf Y, Boere-Boonekamp MM, et al. Effect of pediatric physical therapy on deformational plagiocephaly in children with positional preference: a randomized controlled trial.2008;162(8):712-718.

10. Xia JJ, Kennedy KA Teichgraeber JF, et al. Nonsurgical treatment of deformational plagiocephaly: a systematic review. 2008; 162(8):719-727.

11. Kordestani RK, Patel S, Bard DE, et al. Neurodevelopmental delays in children with deformational plagiocephaly..2006;117(1):207-218.

12. Martinez-Lage JF,Ruíz-Espejo AM, Gilabert A, et al . Positional skull deformities in children: skull deformations without synostosis. Child Nerv  Syst.2006;22:368-374.

13. Plank LH, Giavedoni B, Lombardo JR et al. Comparison of infant head shape changes in deformational plagiocephaly following treatment with a cranial remolding orthose using noninvasive laser shape digitizer. The Journal of craniofacial surgery. 2006;17(6):1084-1091.

14. Siatkowski RM, Fortney AC, Nazir SA ,et al. Visual field defects in deformational posterior plagiocephaly. . 2005;9(3)274-278.

15. Sze RW,Hopper RA, Ghioni V , et al.MDTC diagnosis of the child with posterior plagiocephaly. .2005;185:1342-1346.

16. Hutchinson LB, Hutchinson LAD, Thompson JMD, Mitchell EA. Plagiocephaly and brachycephaly in the first two years of life: a prospective cohort study. 2004;14(4):970-980.

17. Littlefield TR, Kelly KM, Reiff JL, Pomatto JK. Car seats, infant carriers and swings:Their role in deformational plagiocephaly. 2003;15(3):102-106.

18. Persing JP, James H, Swanson J et al. Prevention an Management of positional skull deformities in infants.. 2003; 12(1):199-202.

19. Littlefield TR, Kelly KM, Pomatto JK, Beals SP. Multiple-Birth  at a higher risk for development of deformational plagiocephaly: II. Is one twin at greater risk?2002; 109(1):19-25.

20. Peitsch WK, Keefer CH, LaBrie RA, Mulliken JB. Incidence of cranial asymmetry in healthy newborns. 2002;110(6):e72.

21. Littlefield TR. Food and drug administration regulation of orthotic cranioplasty. . 2001;38(4):337-340.

22. Miller RL, Clarren SK. Long-term outcomes in patients with deformational plagiocephaly. 2000;105(2):e26.

23. Golden KA, Beals SP , Littlefield TR, Pomatto JK. Sternocleidomastoid ombalance versus Congenital Muscular torticollis: Their relasionship to Positional Plagiocephaly..1999; 36(3):256-260.

24. Kelly KM, Littlefield TR, Pomatto JK et al. Importance of early recognition and treatment of deformational  plagiocephaly with orthotic cranioplasty..1999;36(2):127-130.

25. Kelly KM, Littlefield TR, Pomatto JK et al. Cranial Growth unrestricted during treatment of deformational Plagiocephaly. 1999;30(4):193-199.

26. Littlefield TR, Pomatto JK, Kelly KM.Dynamic Orthotic cranioplasty.Report of four cases.2000;9(3):1-4.

27. Littlefield TR, Kelly KM, Pomatto JK, Beals SP. Multiple-birth infants at a higher risk for development of deformational plagiocephaly.1999; 103 (3):565-568.

28. Kobinger MEBA, Bricks LF, Ferrer APS. Assimetria crânio-facial como forma de apresentação de cranioestenose: relato de caso.Pediatria. 1999; 21 (3):254-260.

29. Littlefield TR, Beals SP, Manwaring KH ET al. Treatment of craniofacial assimetry with dynamic Orthotic cranioplasty. 1998; 9(1):11-17.

30. Kane AA, Mitchell LE, Craven KP, Marsh JL. Observations on a recent increase in plagiocephaly without synostosis. 1996 ;97(6):877-885.

31. Laughlin J, Luerssen TG, Dias MS and Comitee on Practice and Ambulatory Medicine Section on Neurological Surgery. Prevention and Management of positional Skull Deformities in Infants. Pediatrics.2011;128;1236-1241.

32. Kim SY, Park MS, Yang J-I, Yim S-Y. Comparison of helmet therapy and counter positioning for deformational plagiocephaly. Ann Rehabil Med.2013 ; 37(6):785-795.

33. Seruya M, K A, Taylor J H, Sauerhammer TM, Rogers G. Helmet treatment of deformational Plagiocephaly: The relashinship between age at initiation and rate of correction. Plast. Reconstr. Surg.2013;1(131): 55e-61e.

34. Flannery ABK, looman W, Kemper  K. Evidence –based care of the child with deformational plagiocephaly, part II: management.Journal of Pediatric heath Care.2012;26(5):320-331

35. Steinberg JP, Rawlani R, Humphries LS, Rawlani V, Vicari FA. Effectiveness of conservative therapy and helmet therapy for positional cranial deformation. Plast. Reconstr. Surg.2015;135(3):833-842

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